Page 22 - Towards better compaction v0.5
P. 22

Towards Better Compaction

               Toolbox meetings

               Toolbox meetings are an invaluable opportunity to inform staff of potential workplace hazards
               and changes that have the potential to impact upon the work site.

               Ideally, a toolbox meeting should be short, have an agenda shared with all participants, and have
               written minutes of who attended and what is discussed. Meetings should be held regularly but not
               too frequently to reduce their impact.

               A toolbox meeting does not involve one-way communication. All staff are strongly encouraged
               to participate, ask questions and share their knowledge and experiences.
               Toolbox meeting topics should be relevant to the workplace and could include:

                   1.  Accidents/incidents/near misses from the site or the woodchip loading industry
                   2.  Wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
                   3.  Changes to PPE requirements including the introduction of new PPE
                   4.  New equipment
                   5.  Changes to SOPs
                   6.  Working at heights
                   7.  Manual handling
                   8.  Heat stress
                   9.  Traffic safety
                   10. Stress and mental health

               Commercial confidentiality

               There are times when you have dealings with representatives from different supplier companies,
               and it is important to remember that you should not share any customer related information with
               them or any other third parties (e.g. media) without the express permission of your supervisor. Your
               supervisor, or other senior staff, must accompany and company representatives on site.

               Chain of custody

               Some customers may require
               you to observe the Forest
               Stewardship Council (FSC) chain
               of custody requirements. FSC
               Chain of custody certification
               tracks and provides a guarantee
               about the production and
               source of forest products. FSC
               Standards are set by the
               German-based Forest
               Stewardship Council and are
               recognised across the world.
               Your supervisor will provide
               more information if needed.

               Version 1.0                                                                             22
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