Page 24 - february
P. 24


                                                                                  The features of the fluidized bed
                                     air into ventilation
                                     system                                are its high heat capacity and thermal
                                                                           conductivity.  Intense  circulation  of
                                                                           particles, the volumetric heat capacity
                                                                           of which is several orders of magnitude
                                                                           higher than the volumetric heat capacity
                                                                           of  air,  sometimes  does  not  allow to
                                                                           provide the required cooling rate, leads
                                                                           to the lengthening of installations over
                                                                           5-6 m and to an increase in their energy
                                                                           consumption.  Therefore,  below are
                                                                sand       two designs of combined cooling units
                                                                           by combining two refrigerants  - air
                                                                           and water. Moreover, in the air, before
                                                    air from fan           it comes  into contact with the  bulk
                                                                           material,  water  is dosed  (a  water-air
        Fig. 1. Installation of sand cooling in a fluidized bed. It consists of three sections
        of the sectors: І - lower air, ІІ - middle cooling, ІІІ - upper separating: 1 -   dispersion is created) in an amount that
        pipeline, 2 - gates, 3 - pipes in the form of a coil, 4 - nozzles-mushrooms, 5 -   does not interfere with the preservation
        "chipping" grate.
                                                                           of the flow ability of the sand.
               Figure 2 shows an installation for cooling loose molding material, which is a welded metal
        structure consisting of an inner water-cooled body 2 and an outer body 5, inside which are dust-
        reflecting rings 3 and an air inlet 4 with conical screens at different levels. At the top of the inner
        body, a mesh cap 1 is installed, which filters out large inclusions from the molding material.
               The water-cooled body 2 is welded in the form of a pipe, to the upper part of which a conical
        funnel is welded, and the lower wall is made flat. A number of vertical pipes are welded between
        them. The inner part of the body is divided into
        sections by partitions made  of  sheet  material                                       sand
        to  create  turbulent  flows  of  water  washing  the
        pipes.  The  water  supplied  to  the  lower  supply           air to                                  water
        pipe passes between the pipes and is discharged
        through the upper side pipe.
               Sand through the mesh 1 enters the funnel,                                                     water
        is divided into streams  and  passes  through                                                      water
        numerous water-cooled pipes of the body 2. To
        increase the path and duration of contact of hot                                                           air
        bulk material with the walls of the pipes, spirals of
        sheet material are inserted into them, serving as
        a slime for sand. The step of the spiral is chosen
        so  that  the  sand  rolls along  them  at  an  angle Fig. 2. Installation of cooling bulk molding material in a combined
        exceeding the angle of its natural slope. Due to            way. 1 - mesh hood, 2 - water-cooled body, 3 - dust-reflecting
                                                                    rings, 4 - air inlet pipe, 5 - outer body.
        the acquisition of the tangential component, the
    24    Stanochniy park
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