Page 36 - Meeting with Children Manual
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o Child Intake Form. This is completed with each parent separately about
their children.
Child Temperament Scale
o This is completed during the session with each parent. Parents are read
the descriptors and asked to rate, their children and themselves.
How the Meeting occurs
o Provide the parents with an overview of your role in meeting with their
children. The purpose of meeting the child/ren is not to evaluate them
or to provide counselling to them. This is a short-term “check-in” to
hear from the child/ren about what is important to them and to gain
any concerns they might have. This information will be brought back to
the parents so that they can consider their children’s input when
developing plans for them. You will meet with the child/ren two-four
times (depending on the need and any potential follow-up).
Your Role in meeting with children:
o To provide Information to the child/ren about the process in a
developmentally sensitive manner
o To offer some developmentally appropriate ways for the child/ren to
express their concerns (drawings, play-based activities)
o To learn about the child/ren’s concerns and provide information back
to the parents
o To check with the child/ren prior to providing the feedback to ensure
the child/ren is ok with sharing what you have learned
o To return to the child/ren after meeting with the parents to let them
know how things went
o In some instances, to assist a child to bring a message or drawing or
play example to the parents
o In some instances, to attend a feedback session with the child present
Some topics and Questions to discuss with each parent.
o Tell me a little bit about your child’s personality or style of being? What
can you tell me about your child?
o What does your child enjoy doing? Playing?
o What extracurricular activities is your child engaged in?
o Was/is your child developmentally on-track?
o Does the child have any medical issues?
o What are your child’s strengths? Challenges?
o Does your child have friends? Who are they and when does your child
spend time with his/her friends?
o Does your child have any step-siblings or a step-parent? If so, what
relationship does your child have with these people? Do you have a
relationship at all with them? Have you met them?
o Are there any concerns you have about your child?
o How does your child do at school? Are there any social or learning
o What are transitions like for your child? For you? For the other parent?
Where do they take place? What does the child bring? Do you talk to
the other parent during the exchange?
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