Page 31 - Meeting with Children Manual
P. 31

Section 3

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                      Explain to the child that he/she is an important part of the family and that his/her
                       mum and dad are interested in hearing how he/she thinks and feels about things
                       now that the family has changed

                      Let the child know you are meeting with him/her so that he/she can share things
                       that  he/she  thinks are important. You  can tell him/her you will  have some
                       activities for  him/her to try and she can choose  some things from your play
                       space/meeting space to use

                      The child needs to be told that you will meet with him/her X number of times
                       (optimally 2-4 times) and that after you finish meeting you will ask him/her what
                       you can share with his/her parents. If he/she says “no” to something you learned
                       about, you will not share it (of course if there is risk, you cannot remain
                       confidential,  but you will have already  gone over this at the  beginning with
                       parents present)

      © The International Centre for Children and Family Law Inc.  This material cannot be copied in whole or in part without the express written permission
      of the copyright owner.
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