Page 26 - Meeting with Children Manual
P. 26
Section 3 P a ge | 24
The funnel technique is of importance to all practitioners who meet
with children. It is a way of being with a young person.
Funnel questions begin with the following procedure:
Begin with a broad, open-ended question after a child has
finished drawing a picture or presented a play scenario such as:
What can you tell me about your picture/scene
Listen carefully to the language used. Only use language used by the
child/youth to formulate your next question
Stay in the Metaphor of the drawing: “So the angry dragon ate the princess…
does anyone know what happened to the princess?”
Use the child’s language
Remain curious
Become more specific as the questions move down the “funnel”
Name a thing (no matter what you think it is) until the child has named it. Then
you can call it a “dog” or a “river” etc.
Ask ‘why’ questions, such as “why did you put that there?”
Step out of the metaphor. Stay until the child becomes more literal using here
and now terms of “I” / that’s me and that’s my mum etc. Then follow the child’s
Relational questions
Does this one know this one over here?
If this one could say something to the princess, what might he say?
If the fox could be with anyone here, with whom might he want to be with?
Is there anyone that the princess is afraid of?
If the cat could get some help which one might help her?
If you could move any of the characters/ animals where would you put them?
Does the dragon know where everyone is?
Can the tree see to the other side?
Does the tree know the other trees over here?
When the rooster is hurt who does he tell?
Directional questions
If this one could face any way, where might he/she face?
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