Page 39 - Meeting with Children Manual
P. 39
Section 4
P a ge | 37
with that language. Additionally, this meeting is important to outline how each parent
should prepare the children to come to see the Consultant (See Parent Form and What
to Tell Your Child Handout)
Let the parents know you would like each of them to bring the children to one or two
sessions (depends on the ability of each parent to pay for the service).
Feedback to Parents
There are a few ways that you may provide feedback to parents:
Through the mediator by way of a written summary (Use the CYCS and provide a
few examples under each area you learned was important to the child). The
mediator could have a copy of the CYCS but not provide the document to the
Direct feedback to the parents with the mediator present (Use the CYCS) mediator
can assist by placing the important headings on a flip-chart and you can provide
examples (general ones) for the salient issues that arose for the child(ren)
The child may wish to provide a product or picture of something they did during
the meeting for you to share with their parents (in addition to you using the CYCS)
The child may wish to attend a session directly with his/her parents and the
mediator with your assistance. “Parent Readiness” as well as “Child Readiness” is
essential for this option. (See Parent Readiness Scale and Child and Youth
Readiness Scale).
Tools: What will you need?
Child and Youth Concerns Scale
Large Flip Chart Paper Pad
Drawing Paper
Crayons, Markers (Textas), Paint
A collection of Miniatures (figures should represent a range of
potential feeling states – aggressive figures, happy, fearful, nurturing
figures, neutral figures, magical figures, religious figures/ objects,
things of nature such as stones, trees, shells. Travel vehicles). Ensure
you have animal family groups – younger children prefer not to use
family figures and animals families offer more distance
Building blocks
Play Dough / Clay
A few of games – maybe a couple that you have available – made up
games are also fun (bean bag games and feeling faces) or board games
or darts are a big hit
Two houses
Two World Cards
Bears Cards
“You” – Your ability to use an inquiry technique so that you are not
leading the child, rather allowing the child to share their experiences
© The International Centre for Children and Family Law Inc. This material cannot be copied in whole or in part without the express written permission
of the copyright owner.