Page 28 - Lenten Devotional 2021 updated 01-21
P. 28

Day 15 - You Are The Exception

            But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar
            people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of
            darkness into his marvellous light:  Which in time past were  not a people, but
            are  now  the  people  of  God: which  had not  obtained mercy,  but  now  have
            obtained mercy. 1 Peter 2:9-10 KJV

            In the beginning God said, Let there be light; and there was light. Sometimes the
            dark place we are in, is only viewed as a burial ground: your tomb. You begin to
            see yourself as dead, because the people in the world view you as dead and unable
            to recover. But imagine being in the same dark place and Light breaks through.
            Light that bears as a sign to you that there is hope; that there is a future for you.
            This is what makes you the exception.

            In 1 Peter 2, verse 9, God tells us, by teaching us through Peter, that we are a
            peculiar people. And that's exactly who you are. God has chosen you to arise and
            come forth from the tomb right now in  this  hour. To  go  forth  and  show the
            praises of God within you. To go forth and be the light that represents the Light
            of the world. Stop looking for the details through people and online resources.
            Start spending time in the presence of God and in the Word of God. Matthew
            6:33 says, that when we seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness,
            all else will be added.

            So what's your all else? What are you worrying about right now, that's keeping
            you from moving forward? Choose this day to not only be a hearer of God's
            word, but a doer. Choose today to be the EXCEPTION in this world. With God
            being for you, who can be against you?

            Father God, I come before you with a repentant heart. Forgive me for seeing
            myself from a lowly perspective, versus the way see me; as your child, seated
            with you above only. Father forgive me for hiding this light you have given me
            to use in this cold, dark world. I now accept that I am in this world but not of it.
            You are the Light of the world; and because your spirit dwells richly in me, I too
            am as the light of this world. Not the Light, but the light.  I believe I was sent
            forth to shine light in dark places and heat up this place by spreading fire in cold
            places. Father, I accept your will for me to stand out and raise the standard every
            time the   enemy tries to come in like a flood. Use me Lord. May you alone get
            the glory. In Jesus's name.  Amen.

            About the contributor:   Apostle Bella Grace, Founding Pastor of Walking On
            Water Ministries International, My Sister's Keeper, Bella Grace Academy, and
            Dynamic New You Coaching, Metro Atlanta, GA.
                  Be encouraged. Be inspired. Be who God created you to be.

               A 40-day Journey through a Season of Fasting and Praying     35
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