Page 24 - 2019 - Altiora Vol 71 Sem 2
P. 24
The 28 Annal 45km Charity Walk to the School’s The Headmaster, Mr. Maynard, and three of our Senior
Outdoor Education Centre Bungawarra (at Little School leaders - Holly Camilleri (Community Engagement
Hartley) took place on Saturday, 12 October and Captain), April Foster-Powell (School Captain) and Abbie
this year’s event was not for the faint hearted. An Clyne (Student Wellbeing Captain) - attended a Mental
endurance test at the best of times, the unusually cold Health Round Table, hosted by Senator Marise Payne.
and wet conditions on Saturday presented walkers
with an additional challenge. The Headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation
is an Australian non-profit organisation providing youth
All 150 participants are to be commended for their mental health services for Australians aged 12-25. There
determination and commitment to charity. The are Headspace centres Australia-wide, with Katoomba now
walkers traversed a range of terrain, from the sealed to have its own centre.
footpaths of Wentworth Falls to the dirt roads of
the scenic Hartley Valley. A barbeque at the final
checkpoint, Bungawarra, provided participants with STEPTEMBER
the well-earned opportunity to recover and celebrate Ms Danie Evans (Head of Ziele House) once again co-
their achievement with family and friends. ordinated the School’s participation in Steptember and the
This event would not be possible without the support from the BMGS community was extraordinary.
generous support of volunteers from the School Over the 28 day period, 28,372,038 steps were counted
community and we wish to thank, in particular Mr. and an incredible $7,378.60 raised for people living with
George Vergotis and his team of volunteers who Cerebal Palsy.
worked incredibly hard behind the scenes in the Participating this year were 47 students, 31 teachers,
weeks leading up to the event and on the day itself, 14 family members and members of BMGS Alumni. On
and Mr. Ron Simpson and the Rapid Relief Team for average, this meant that every stepper walked well beyond
sustaining our walkers with warm and nutritious food. 10,000 steps per day.
The funds raised by this year’s event ($9,569) will Our top individual steppers were Mrs. Julie Cooney (Staff),
support the ongoing work of Compassion, Ibulanku Tara Shiels (2018 Alumni) and Chloe Dance (Year 10). Our
School Project/Uganda, Maleke School in Fiji and top team was the Step@rons (Alumni).
Greystanes Disability Services, Leura.