Page 250 - Pharmaceutics IV (02-06-01305)
P. 250
Aerosols as dosage forms
Pharmaceutical aerosols are similar to other
dosage forms because they require the same types
of considerations with respect to formulation,
product stability, and therapeutic efficacy.
However, they differ from most other dosage
forms in their dependence upon the function of the
container, its valve assembly, and an added
component— the propellant—for the physical
delivery of the medication in proper form.
Prof Alyaa Ramadan, ceutics, AU
Advantages of aerosols as
dosage form
1. A portion of medication may be easily with- drawn from the package
without contamination or exposure to the remaining material.
2. By virtue of its hermetic character, the aerosol container protects
medicinal agents adversely affected by atmospheric oxygen and
3. Being opaque, the usual aerosol container also protects drugs
adversely affected by light. This protection persists during the use
and the shelf life of the product.
4. If the product is packaged under aseptic conditions, sterility may
also be maintained durinPgroftAhlyeaa sRahmeadlafn,lciefueticos, AfUthe product.