Page 141 - Pharmacognosy 02-06203
P. 141
Taste: Plastic when chewed Odor
:vanillin like.
Solubility: Entirely sol. In alcohol.
Free benzoic acid, Coniferyl benzoate ( which has a very pleasant odor) in addition
to other esters.
Siaresinolic acid, Siaresinotannols and traces of vanillin.
Used in perfumes.
Test for identity:
1. On warming with KMnO4 Benzaldehyde odor is formed due to free cinnamic acid
2. Sublimation test: crystals are formed as rods.
3. when few drops of alcoholic FeCl3 is added to the alcoholic solution a green color
is formed.
Balsam Peru
Obtained from scorched and wounded trunk of Myroxylon balsamum v. Pereirae f.
Leguminosae should contain n.l.t. 45% & n.m.t. 70% resin esters.
Shape: Dark brown viscid liquid
Taste: Bitter acrid
Odor: Aromatic odor of cinnamic and vanilla.