P. 152

                                                                                                   Ki         Exp. Points
          TECHNIQUES              DESCRIPTION                         EFFECTS                    Energy   to Purchase
                                                                                                 To Use   Technique
            Firm Grip I      A tighter grasp of a weap-  +1 to rolls against being disarmed
                             on.                         Prerequisite: Any Proper Grip             5         15

            Firm Grip II     An even tighter grasp of a   +2 to rolls against being disarmed
                             weapon.                     Prerequisite: Firm Grip I                 5         15

            Firm Grip III    The tightest grasp of a     +3 to rolls against being disarmed
                             weapon possible.            Prerequisite: Firm Grip II                5         23

            Firm Grip IV     The ability to dual wield   +3 to rolls against being disarmed
                             weapon combinations         Prerequisite: Proper Grip II and          10        33
                                 same weighted items.    Firm Grip I
           Strike to Neck    A horizontal attack to the   Odds & Evens roll for Status Effect:
                             left or right side of the   Stunned                                   7         21

              (Recharge)     neck.                       Prerequisite: Firm Grip II
            Arteries and     A cut deep enough to        +2 STR; Status Effect Bleeding x2;
             Ventricles      cause major damage to the  +2 Critical  Strike rolls
                             arteries in part of the body.  Prerequisite: Firm Grip II             10        21

                             An attack to the wrist to   Target receives –2 for rolls against
            Wrist Strike     weaken the grip of an       disarmament lasting 1D8 melee
                             opponent.                   rounds                                    8         21

                                                         Prerequisite: Firm Grip II
                             An attack designed to       Target loses selected appendage.  Sta-
   C         Amputate        chop off minor body parts   tus Effect: Bleeding x4 until wound is
   a                         such as toes, fingers, ears,   treated                                10        56
   t                             etc.                    Prerequisite: Firm Grip II
   e          (Recharge)     **Bladed weapons only**
             Inside Leg      An attack used to knock a   -2 MOV to target; Control Roll –1D4
                             target off balance.         lasting 1D4 melee rounds; +5 Critical
                                                         Strike roll                               6         21

                                                         Prerequisite: Firm Grip II
           Thrust to Neck    A straight attack to the    +3 STR; Odds & Evens roll for Status
                             neck of a target.           Effect: Bleeding; +5 Critical Strike
                                                         roll                                      8         21

              (Recharge)                                 Prerequisite: Firm Grip II
           Thrust to Groin   A quick jab to the groin    -4 MOV; -5 STA; +5 Critical Strike
                             area of a target.           roll                                      8         21

              (Recharge)                                 Prerequisite: Firm Grip II
             Slash Eyes      A slash passed the eyes     Odds & Evens roll for Status Effect:
                             used to distract or blind a   Stunned or Blinded                      9         21

              (Recharge)     target with wind.           Prerequisite: Firm Grip II
            Draw Strike      A quick pull of a weapon    +3 Action Roll; -1/2 STR; +5 Critical
                             to surprise and strike a tar-  Strike roll                            10        18

              (Recharge)     get.                        Prerequisite: Firm Grip II

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