Page 81 - FASTSIGNS Case Study Book
P. 81
Signage that Encourages Community
The Challenge The signage included large site identification signs as well
The Hive is a renamed senior adult day care facility which as entrance signs to create a welcoming first impression.
prioritises the well-being of the older generation, while Inside the building, interactive wall graphics help to create
providing a respite for the adult care giver in the South of a homely yet vibrant atmosphere . Across the large site, a
England. The rebranding efforts required visual solutions wayfinding system of post and panel signage and overhead
to create a safe, fun and vibrant environment where the signs helps patrons access the different services on offer.
elderly could socialize, enjoy meals together, and receive Opaque window graphics create a cheery visual to the
emotional support. exterior of the building but also provide privacy and safety
features, allowing guests to feel secure whilst spending
The Solution their leisure time at The Hive.
As its name suggests, The Hive is a central hub for its
patrons. Offering services such as a community fridge, To ensure the continuity of service, The Hive’s fleet of
coffee shop, well-being services, community transport minivans and other vehicles have also received rebranding,
and warm meals, The Hive’s management team wanted to helping to promote the service while they are out on
create an environment that would not only be aesthetically the road .
uplifting but also ensure ease of use.
The Result
FASTSIGNS recommended the colour scheme of yellow, The Hive is now a bright and inviting community service
black and white, which is not only indicative of bees returning which enables its patrons to enjoy their time spent at the
to the hive but is also the most legible colour contrast for facility . The use of clever signage has created a usable facility
text . The bold typeface used on the signs subtly ensures which promotes independence and fun for all .
they are easily readable, helping elderly patrons to be as
independent as possible whilst spending time at The Hive *This project was completed by FASTSIGNS Guildford.
facility. FASTSIGNS utilised this design throughout the
signage solution, to great effect.