Page 10 - H2H Nov 2018
P. 10
“FURMEX supports”, where FURMEX provides the administration and accountability for a
project (for a small fee) and also provide financial support up to 25% of the project cost
(maximum support of 25,000 pesos). The FURMEX Support programs the one that we
have used successfully several times to do the non-global grant projects.
FURMEX had three projects that were discussed by use of a power point. One was for an
alcohol and drug addiction program for kids in high risk areas. A pilot project is currently
under way (and has been supported financially by H2H), and the proposal is to expand the
program into a larger area. Details will need to be obtained from the power point.
The second project was for an early cancer detection program, intended to set up
intervention procedures through a four step process, with training for 60 persons and a
target of 1000 participants. This appears to be a pilot program that if successful could be
expanded. Details will need to be obtained from the power point.
The third project was Mexico Country of Values. The presenter Victor Hugo used a power
point for the proposed project. The concept is to improve individuals and communities
through the emphasis on values, with a value per week for a year. The target participants
are ages 4-7. Lots of questions came up, and more details will need to be obtained from
the power point.
2. Equipment for Maximiliano Ruiz Hospital in Naucalpan
David Gonzalez (a biomedical engineer) of the Florida Satelite club made a power point
presentation on the needs at this particular hospital, especially in the need to improve
equipment and services for the “-oscopy” procedures (such as endoscopy). It appears that
a lot of preliminary interviews have been done with the hospital staff. It is unclear if this
proposal is in addition to what we can do through Project CURE or is the basis for our
Project CURE assessment. Details will need to be obtained from the power point and from
a direct follow up with David Gonzalez.
3. Upgrading the Family
Edgar Carranza of the Lindavista club presented the project, which is designed to provide
more education and training to laborers so that they can be more technically proficient and
literate and move into better paying jobs in the same industry (earning more money in a
related trade). 250 families are targeted in this pilot program. Details will need to be
obtained from the power point.
4. The Magic of the Light
XXXXX of the Anahuac XXX club presented a three phase project to bring solar lighting
and heating to an indigenous Nahuati community. Because of the gender disparity in
bilingual education (created by cultural expectations of household duties), 70% of the
young girls have to do homework at night when there is little or no adequate lighting.
Making the phases work in a global grant structure will take some work, and more details
will need to be obtained from the power point.