Page 6 - H2H Nov 2018
P. 6

Fourth stop – name unknown school in Metepec

              Xxx number of disabled children, ages not known
              Estimated budget $10,000 USD for items not detailed
              Research needs to be done about a VTT for a job coach
              Questions include what are details on the proposed budget, what are roles of Rotarians
              and for Rotaractors & Interactors, who are partner Rotary clubs, what is club contribution,
              what is the impact on the community

              Fifth stop – Joquicingo for the bus group

              Status of current global grant 1868708 (host Las Torres Satelite, sponsor Noblesville IN)
              needs to be addressed quickly, follow up global grant needs funding and write up
              Two low cost shelter “models” were seen
              Funds were donated to help one homeowner, some support could be provided to the
              second homeowner

              Fifth stop – San Juan Tilapa for the Alabama group

              Benito Juarez school, serving 180 primary school children
              School history from Isaias Chavez
                     •  Need identified by woman living in San Juan Tilapa who worked in Toluca
                     •  Closest elementary school was many miles away with no public transportation
                     •  Started 12 years ago when parents donated land if Rotary would build the
                     •  Rotary build the first building with two classrooms
                     •  Next build was second building with two classrooms, small office, plus
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