Page 5 - H2H Nov 2018
P. 5
Questions include what are roles of Rotarians and for Rotaractors & Interactors, who are
partner Rotary clubs, what is club contribution, what is the impact, what is the impact on
the community
Third stop – name unknown school, assume in Zinacantepec
925 students in AM, 233 students in PM – grade level unknown
Request is for a computer lab in designated space that appears to have ventilation and
cooling challenges
Government will hire teachers to teach in computer lab
Estimated budget is $25,000 for 45 computers, peripherals, work stations, etc.
Question was how about laptops for teachers, answer was all equipment needs to be
secured in the one available room due to risk of theft
Need for ventilation and cooling should be researched
School stated there were other physical needs too, but these were not detailed
Questions include what are details on the proposed budget, what are roles of Rotarians
and for Rotaractors & Interactors, who are partner Rotary clubs, what is club contribution,
what is the impact, what is the impact on the community