Page 9 - H2H Nov 2018
P. 9

4.  Firewood Ovens in Oaxaca GG 1866194 ($49,504, host Paseo de la Reforma,
                     sponsor Fowler IN) – presenters xxxxxxx

              The presenters reported that questions from TRF had been answered and returned to TRF
              for their review. The training plan is still being worked on. The host club is working on this
              grant project as the first step of a more comprehensive economic and community
              development project by building a more commercial oven. Jim Roxlo asked about fair trade
              impact on this approach.

              Note: On Monday November 12, TRF officially approved the grant.

                  5.  Adult Literacy Education in Ecatepec GG 1872597 ($36,290, host Ecatepec,
                     sponsor District 6150 AR) – presenter Angelica Quijano Hernandez

              Angelica reported that the initial review questions from TRF had been answered and
              submitted last week, so we are now awaiting further feedback from TRF.

                  6.  WASH in Grade Schools Project GG 1860645 ($37,070, host Ecatepec, sponsor
                     District 6510 IL) – presenter Jose Antonio Gonzalez
              Tono briefly described the project (and its attempt to change the culture of hygiene through
              deeper training) and then reported that the club is holding on locking the grant until the
              new government officials can take office in December and sign the MOUs. Once the grant
              is locked, then DDF will need authorizations for the grant to be submitted.

                  7.  Hospital equipment and supplies Project CURE – Phase 1 GG 1861159 ($78,000,
                     host Zona Rosa, sponsor Livingston TN) and Phase 2 GG 1979842 ($103,000, host
                     Las Torres Satelite, sponsor Covington LA) – presenters Ron Appuhn and David

              Ron reported that the Project CURE equipment project had been divided into two sections
              so that we could use more club sponsors and so that we could get the grant model
              approved to help expedite future similar projects. The Phase 1 grant will provide three
              containers of equipment and supplies for four hospitals and will be submitted this week,
              with the knowledge that some official hospital letters will still be required. The Phase 2
              grant has been expanded for up to 4 containers for 4 hospitals to accommodate a request
              from the Florida satellite (which they had planned for next year). The Phase 2 grant is not
              fully funded.


                  1.  FURMEX

              Reiner Jahn (treasurer) and Victor Hugo Marquez (president) of FURMEX gave a brief
              introduction of FURMEX and some projects they would like us to consider. Fondo Unido
              Rotario de Mexico (FURMEX) is the Mexico non-profit established by Past RI President
              Frank Devlyn to work with Rotarians and Rotary clubs to do projects throughout the entire
              country of Mexico. FURMEX has some programs of its own which its funds (such as their
              work with the Wheelchair Foundation) and then they have some programs through
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