Page 7 - H2H Nov 2018
P. 7
• Added cafeteria so that kinds could be fed breakfast and lunch
This is the second school built by Valle de Toluca club (28 members currently)
Request is to build on top of first building to create a community center (multi-purpose
room for the community and the children)
Estimated cost has gone up and now down with tariff changes and exchange rate – current
need net of club contributions is about $50,000
Fairhope Alabama club is looking to be the major sponsor (and long term partner), with
naming on the center’s space
Longer term goal is to acquire additional adjacent land for future growth (current site 500
Friday, November 9
First stop – “A Corner Near the Sky” bread and tortilla machines factory in the Jorge
Gallardo Lambarri activity (community) center GG 1745049 (host LaVilla, sponsor Grand
Island NE)
Second floor space is substantially complete and machines have been purchased but not
Second stop – Gustavo Baz primary school, location unknown
250 students
First school to receive bathroom and sanitation improvements and hygiene training under
GG 1756484 (host Lindavista, sponsor Gothenburg After Dark NE)
Saturday, November 10
1. Vickie Blade Pacemaker Program GG 1743667- host San Angel ($116,000 for 400
pacemakers, sponsor Carmel IN) – presenter Pedro Fernandez
The paperwork took much longer than expected but was completed in September 2018.
The National Institute of cardiology leads the pack of six hospitals which are currently
officially authorized to conduct pacemaker implantation surgeries. Three more hospitals
will soon be joining the list, including Hospital Civil in Guadalajara (where H2H has been
doing grant projects already). December 2018 will be the first big shipment of 1200
pacemakers, which will include the 400 pacemakers for the first global grant. The
anticipated starting date for the grant pacemakers is XXXX and the expected completion
date is YYYYY. Some training has been done, and more training is scheduled.
All the grants funds have been received. $32,600 has been spent, primarily on paperwork
fees, hospital registration fees, training, and marketing and promotion (such as a new
Facebook page).
The club works with the hospitals to control the pacemaker distribution so that there are
limited deliveries to each single hospital.