Page 139 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 139

Ha run Yah ya (Ad nan Ok tar)

                who sets his heart on seek ing God—the Lord, the God of his
                fa thers?" (2 Chronicles, 30:18-19)

                ... Three times a day he [Daniel] got down on his knees and
                prayed, giv ing thanks to his God, just as he had done be fore.
                Then these men went as a group and found Daniel pray ing
                and ask ing God for help. (Daniel, 6:10-11)

                Then Solomon stood... spread out his hands to ward heav en
                and said: "O Lord... there is no god like You in heav en above
                or on earth be low—You Who keep Your cov e nant of love with
                Your ser vants who con tin ue whole heart ed ly in Your way. O
                Lord my God. Hear the cry and the prayer that Your ser vant

                is pray ing in Your pres ence this day... You will hear the
                prayer Your ser vant prays to ward this place. Hear the sup pli -
                ca tion of Your ser vant and of Your peo ple... when they pray
                to ward this place. When a man wrongs his neigh bor and is re -
                quired to take an oath and he comes and swears the oath be -
                fore Your al tar in this house... judge be tween your ser vants,
                con demn ing the guilty and bring ing down on his own head
                what he has done... when they turn back to You and con fess
                Your name, pray ing and mak ing sup pli ca tion to You in this
                house, then... for give the sin of Your peo ple... and bring them
                back to the land You gave to their fa thers. When the heav ens
                are shut up and there is no rain be cause Your peo ple have
                sinned against You, and when they pray to ward this place
                and con fess Your name and turn from their sin... then for give

                the sin of Your ser vants... Teach them the right way to live,
                and send rain on the land You gave Your peo ple for an in her -
                it ance. When fam ine or plague comes to the land, or blight or
                mil dew, lo custs or grass hop pers, or when an en e my be sie ges
                them in any of their cit ies, what ev er dis as ter or dis ease may

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