Page 140 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 140


                     come, and when a prayer or plea is made by any of Your peo -
                     ple...—each one aware of the af flic tions of his own heart, and
                     spread ing out his hands to ward this house—then... forgive...
                     since You know his heart (for You alone know the hearts of all
                     men), so that they will fear You all the time they live in the
                     land You gave our fa thers. As for the for eign er... has come
                     from a dis tant land be cause of Your name—for men will hear
                     of Your great name and Your mighty hand and Your out -
                     stretched arm—when he comes and prays to ward this house...
                     so that all the peo ples of the earth may know Your name and
                     fear You... and say, 'We have sinned, we have done wrong, we
                     have act ed wick ed ly'; and if they turn back to You with all
                     their heart and soul in the land of their en e mies who took
                     them cap tive, and pray to You to ward the land You gave their
                     fa thers, to ward the city You have cho sen and the house I have
                     built for Your Name; then... hear their prayer and their plea,

                     and up hold their cause. And for give Your peo ple, who have
                     sinned against You; for give all the of fenses they have com mit -
                     ted against You... may You lis ten to them when ev er they cry
                     out to You." When Solomon had fin ished all these prayers
                     and sup pli ca tions to the Lord, he rose from be fore the al tar of
                     the Lord, where he had been kneel ing with his hands spread
                     out to ward heav en. (1 Kings, 8:22-54)

                     So I turned to the Lord God and plead ed with Him in prayer
                     and pe ti tion, in fast ing. I prayed to the Lord my God and
                     con fessed: "O Lord... we have sinned and done wrong. We
                     have been wick ed and have re belled; we have turned away
                     from Your com mands and laws. We have not lis tened to Your

                     ser vants the Prophets, who spoke in Your name to our kings,
                     our prin ces and our fa thers, and to all the peo ple of the land.

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