Page 145 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 145
Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
Praise the Lord, you His an gels, you mighty ones who do His
or ders, who obey His word. Praise the Lord, all His heav en ly
hosts, you His ser vants who do His will. Praise the Lord, all
His works ev ery where in His do min ion. Praise the Lord, O
my soul. (Psalms, 103:20-22)
Praise Him, all His an gels, praise Him, all His heav en ly hosts.
(Psalms, 148:2)
I asked, "What are these, my lord?" The an gel who was talk ing
with me an swered, "I will show you what they are." Then the
man stand ing among the myr tle trees ex plained, "They are the
ones the Lord has sent to go through out the earth." And they
re port ed to the an gel of the Lord, who was stand ing among the
myr tle trees, "We have gone through out the earth and found
the whole world at rest and in peace." (Zechariah, 1:9-11)
Then the an gel who talked with me answered me, "Don't
you know what these are?"... And he answered, and spoke to
me, saying: "This is the word of the Lord..." (Zechariah, 4:5-6)
When the an gel of the Lord ap peared to Gideon, he said,
"The Lord is with you, mighty war ri or." (Judges, 6:12)
The an gel of the Lord ap peared to her and said, "You are ster -
ile and child less, but you are go ing to con ceive and have a
son... The an gel of God came again to the wom an while she
was out in the field." (Judges, 13:3, 9)