Page 147 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 147

Ha run Yah ya (Ad nan Ok tar)

                 The fear of the Lord teach es a man wis dom, and hu mil i ty
                 comes be fore hon or. (Proverbs, 15:33)

                 This is the one I es teem: he who is hum ble and con trite in
                 spir it, and trem bles at My word. (Isaiah, 66:2)

                 He [God] has showed you, O man, what is good. And what
                 does the Lord re quire of you? To act just ly and to love mer cy
                 and to walk hum bly with your God. (Micah, 6:8)

                 By your great skill in trad ing you have in creased your wealth,
                 and be cause of your wealth your heart has grown proud.
                 (Ezekiel, 28:5)

                 Your heart be came proud on ac count of your beau ty and you
                 cor rupt ed your wis dom be cause of your splen dor. So I threw
                 you to the earth; I made a spec ta cle of you be fore kings.
                 (Ezekiel, 28:17)

                 But when his heart be came ar ro gant and hard ened with
                 pride, he was de posed from his roy al throne and stripped of
                 his glo ry. (Daniel, 5:20)

                 When I fed them, they were sat is fied; when they were sat is -
                 fied, they be came proud; then they for got Me. (Hosea, 13:6)

                 The pride of your heart has de ceived you, you who live in
                 the clefts of the rocks and make your home on the heights,
                 you who say to your self, "Who can bring me down to the
                 ground?" Though you soar like the ea gle and make your nest

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