Page 152 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 152
I will pun ish... for the will ful pride of his heart and the
haugh ty look in his eyes. (Isaiah, 10:12)
I will pun ish the world for its evil, the wick ed for their sins. I
will put an end to the ar ro gance of the haugh ty and will
hum ble the pride of the ruth less. (Isaiah, 13:11)
But aft er... be came pow er ful, his pride led to his down fall.
He was un faith ful to the Lord his God. (2 Chronicles, 26:16)
But they, our fore fa thers, be came ar ro gant and stiff-necked,
and did not obey Your com mands. They re fused to lis ten and
fail ed to re mem ber the mir a cles You per formed among them.
They be came stiff-necked and in their re bel lion ap point ed a
lead er in or der to re turn to their slav ery. (Nehemiah, 9:16-17)
He may speak in their ears and ter ri fy them with warn ings, to
turn man from wrong do ing and keep him from pride, to pre -
serve his soul from the pit [Hell], his life from per ish ing by
the sword. (Job, 33:16-18)
... Men cry out be cause of the ar ro gance of the wick ed. (Job,
He tells them what they have done that they have sinned ar -
ro gant ly. He makes them lis ten to cor rec tion and com mands
them to re pent of their evil. If they obey and serve Him, they
will spend the rest of their days in pros per i ty and their years
in con tent ment. But if they do not lis ten, they will per ish by
the sword and die with out knowl edge. (Job, 36:9-12)
In his ar ro gance the wick ed man hunts down the weak, who
are caught in the schemes he de vis es. He boasts of the crav -
ings of his heart... In his pride the wick ed does not seek