Page 156 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 156
Anger is cru el and fu ry over whelm ing... (Proverbs, 27:4)
A fool shows his an noy ance at once, but a pru dent man over -
looks an in sult. (Proverbs, 12:16)
Let me not en ter their coun cil, let me not join their as sem bly,
for they have killed men in their an ger and ham strung ox en
as they pleased. Cursed be their an ger, so fierce, and their fu -
ry, so cru el! (Genesis, 49:6-7)
Do not fret be cause of evil men... (Psalms, 37:1)
Hatred stirs up dis sen sion, but love cov ers over all wrongs.
(Proverbs, 10:12)
A man's wis dom gives him pa tience; it is to his glo ry to over -
look an of fense. (Proverbs, 19:11)
He who cov ers over an of fense pro motes love, but who ev er
re peats the mat ter sep a rates close friends. (Proverbs, 17:9)
Do not say, "I'll do to him as he has done to me; I'll pay that
man back for what he did." (Proverbs, 24:29)
Through love and faith ful ness sin is atoned for;
through the fear of the Lord a man avoids evil.
(Proverbs, 16:6)
Do not seek re venge or bear a grudge
against one of your peo ple, but love
your neigh bor as your self.
(Leviticus, 19:18)