Page 160 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 160
You have not strength ened the weak or healed the sick or
bound up the in jured. You have not brought back the strays or
searched for the lost. You have ruled them harsh ly and bru tal -
ly. (Ezekiel, 34:4)
If you re al ly change your ways and your ac tions and deal with
each oth er just ly, if you do not op press the al ien, the fa ther -
less or the wid ow and do not shed in no cent blood in this
place... then I will let you live in this place, in the land I gave
your fore fa thers for ev er and ev er. (Jeremiah, 7:5-7)
Woe to those who make un just laws... to de prive the poor of
their rights and with hold jus tice from the op pressed of my
peo ple, mak ing wid ows their prey and rob bing the fa ther less.
(Isaiah, 10:1-2)
"Now this was the sin... She and her daugh ters were ar ro gant,
over fed and un con cerned; they did not help the poor and
needy." (Ezekiel, 16:49-50)
He made them al so to be pit ied of all those that car ried them
cap tive. (Psalms, 106:46)
And may God Almighty grant you mer cy be fore the man...
(Genesis, 43:14)
... [A man who] gives his food to the hun gry and pro vides
cloth ing for the na ked. (Ezekiel, 18:7)
They are waxed fat, they shine: yea, they over pass in deeds of
wick ed ness; they plead not the cause, the cause of the fa ther -
less, that they may pros per; and the right of the needy do they
not judge. (Jeremiah, 5:28)