Page 164 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 164
right eous de test the dis hon est; the wick ed de test the up right.
(Proverbs, 29:26-27)
Speak up and judge fair ly; de fend the rights of the poor and
needy. (Proverbs, 31:9)
Learn to do right! Seek jus tice, en cour age the op pressed. De-
fend the cause of the fa ther less plead the case of the wid ow.
(Isaiah, 1:17)
This is what the Lord says: "Maintain jus tice and do what is
right... " (Isaiah, 56:1)
If you re al ly change your ways and your ac tions and deal
with each oth er just ly... (Jeremiah, 7:5)
"... but let him who boasts boast about this: that he un der -
stands and knows Me, that I am the Lord, Who ex er cis es
kind ness, jus tice and right eous ness on earth, for in these I
de light," de clares the Lord. (Jeremiah, 9:24)
... What the Lord says: "Execute jus tice in the morn ing, and
de liv er him who is robbed out of the hand of the op press or..."
(Jeremiah, 21:12)
This is what the Lord says: Do what is just and right. Rescue
from the hand of his op press or the one who has been robbed.
Do no wrong or vi o lence to the al ien, the fa ther less or the wid -
ow, and do not shed in no cent blood in this place. (Jeremiah,
Do not per vert jus tice; do not show par ti al i ty to the poor or
fa vor it ism to the great, but judge your neigh bor fair ly.
(Leviticus, 19:15)