Page 169 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 169
Ha run Yah ya (Ad nan Ok tar)
Judgment will again be found ed on right eous ness, and all
the up right in heart will fol low it. (Psalms, 94:15)
The king is mighty, he loves jus tice—you have es tab lished
eq ui ty... You have done what is just and right. (Psalms, 99:4)
For ac quir ing a dis ci plined and pru dent life, do ing what is
right and just and fair; for giv ing pru dence to the sim ple,
knowl edge and dis cre tion to the young. (Proverbs, 1:3-4)
It is not good to be par tial to the wick ed or to de prive the in -
no cent of jus tice. (Proverbs, 18:5)
A cor rupt wit ness mocks at jus tice, and the mouth of the wick -
ed gulps down evil. (Proverbs, 19:28)
"Do not use dishonest standards when measuring length, we-
ight or quantity. Use honest scales and honest weights, an ho-
nest ephah and an honest hin... Keep all My decrees and all
My laws and follow them. I am the Lord." (Leviticus, 19:35-37)
Helping Others
If you see the don key of some one who hates you fall en down
un der its load, do not leave it there; be sure you help him
with it. (Exodus, 23:5)
If one of your coun try men be comes poor and is un a ble to sup -
port him self among you, help him as you would an al ien or a
tem po rary res i dent, so he can con tin ue to live among you.
(Leviticus, 25:35)
Do the same if you find your broth er's don key or his cloak or