Page 170 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 170
any thing he los es. Do not ig nore it. If you see your broth er's
don key or his ox fall en on the road, do not ig nore it. Help
him get it to its feet. (Deuteronomy, 22:3-4)
But let your hand be open to give him the use of whatever
he is in need of... You do not show ill will to ward your needy
broth er and give him noth ing. He may then ap peal to the Lord
against you, and you will be found guilty of sin. Give gen er -
ous ly to him and do so with out a grudg ing heart; then be -
cause of this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work
and in ev ery thing you put your hand to. There will al ways be
poor peo ple in the land. Therefore I com mand you to be
open hand ed to ward your broth ers and to ward the poor and
needy in your land. (Deuteronomy, 15:8-11)
Because I res cued the poor who cried for help, and the fa ther -
less who had none to as sist him. The man who was dy ing
bless ed me; I made the wid ow's heart sing. I
put on right eous ness as my cloth ing; jus -
tice was my robe and my tur ban. I was