Page 168 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 168


                     peace; the ef fect of right eous ness will be qui et ness and con fi -
                     dence for ev er. (Isaiah, 32:1, 16-17)

                     Here is My ser vant, whom I up hold, My cho sen one in whom
                     I de light; I will put My Spirit on him and he will bring jus tice
                     to the na tions. He will not shout or cry out, or raise his voice
                     in the streets. A bruised reed he will not break, and a smol der -
                     ing wick he will not snuff out. In faith ful ness he will bring
                     forth jus tice; he will not fal ter or be dis cour aged till he es -
                     tab lish es jus tice on earth. In his law the is lands will put their
                     hope. (Isaiah, 42:1-5)

                     Woe to those who make un just laws, to those who is sue op -
                     press ive de crees, to de prive the poor of their rights and with -
                     hold jus tice from the op pressed of My peo ple, mak ing wid -
                     ows their prey and rob bing the fa ther less. (Isaiah, 10:1-2)

                     Go up and down the streets... look around and con sid er... If
                     you can find but one per son who deals hon est ly and seeks
                     the truth, I will for give this city. (Jeremiah, 5:1)

                     Do you rul ers in deed speak just ly? Do you judge up right ly
                     among men? No, in your heart you de vise in jus tice, and your
                     hands mete out vi o lence on the earth. (Psalms, 58:1-2)

                     So God said to him, "Since you have asked for this and not for
                     long life or wealth for your self, nor have asked for the death
                     of your en e mies but for dis cern ment in ad min is ter ing jus -
                     tice, I will do what you have asked. I will give you a wise and

                     dis cern ing heart, so that there will nev er have been any one
                     like you, nor will there ev er be"... They held the king in awe,
                     be cause they saw that he [Solomon] had wis dom from God to
                     ad min is ter jus tice. (1 Kings, 3:11-12, 28)

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