Page 175 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 175

Ha run Yah ya (Ad nan Ok tar)

                The right eous ness of the up right de liv ers them, but the un -
                faith ful are trapped by evil de sires. (Proverbs, 11:6)

                Righteousness guards the man of in teg ri ty, but wick ed ness
                over throws the sin ner. (Proverbs, 13:6)

                The right eous man is res cued from troub le, and it comes on
                the wick ed in stead. (Proverbs, 11:8)

                The Lord de tests men of per verse heart but He de lights in
                those whose ways are blame less. (Proverbs, 11:20)

                But with right eous ness he will judge the needy, with jus tice
                he will give de ci sions for the poor of the earth... (Isaiah, 11:4)

                The path of the right eous is lev el... (Isaiah, 26:7)

                Let the Lord judge the peo ples. Judge me, O Lord, ac cord ing
                to my right eous ness, ac cord ing to my in teg ri ty, O Most
                High. (Psalms, 7:8)

                Fools mock at mak ing amends for sin, but good will is found
                among the up right. (Proverbs, 14:9)

                Thus you will walk in the ways of good men and keep to the

                paths of the right eous. For the up right will live in the land,
                and the blame less will re main in it; but the wick ed will be
                cut off from the land, and the un faith ful will be torn from it.
                (Proverbs, 2:20-22)

                I will be care ful to lead a blame less life... (Psalms, 101:2)

                The right eous man leads a blame less life; bless ed are his
                chil dren aft er him. (Proverbs, 20:7)

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