Page 180 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 180


                     Help, Lord, for the god ly are no more; the faith ful have van -
                     ished from among men. Everyone lies to his neigh bor; their
                     flat ter ing lips speak with de cep tion. (Psalms, 12:1-2)

                     Because You will not aban don me to the underworld [Hell],
                     nor will you let Your faith ful one see de cay. (Psalms, 16:10)

                     Love the Lord, all His saints! The Lord pres erves the faith ful,
                     but the proud He pays back in full. (Psalms, 31:23)

                     For the Lord loves the just and will not for sake His faith ful
                     ones. They will be pro tect ed for ev er, but the off spring of the
                     wick ed will be cut off. (Psalms, 37:28)

                     Their hearts were not loy al to Him; they were not faith ful to
                     His cov e nant. (Psalms, 78:37)

                     Let those who love the Lord hate evil, for He guards the lives
                     of His faith ful ones... (Psalms, 97:10)

                     May your priests be clothed with right eous ness; may Your
                     saints sing for joy... I will clothe her priests with sal va tion,
                     and her saints will ev er sing for joy. (Psalms, 132:9, 16)

                     Many a man claims to have un fail ing love, but a faith ful man
                     who can find? (Proverbs, 20:6)

                     "Son of man, if a coun try sins against Me by be ing un faith -
                     ful and I stretch out My hand against it to cut off its food sup -
                     ply and send fam ine up on it and kill its men and their an i -
                     mals... (Ezekiel, 14:13)

                     "I will make the land des o late be cause they have been un -
                     faith ful," de clares the Sovereign Lord. (Ezekiel, 15:8)

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