Page 181 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 181

Ha run Yah ya (Ad nan Ok tar)

                ... The Lord said: "I will ... ex e cute judg ment up on him there
                be cause he was un faith ful to Me." (Ezekiel, 17:19-20)

                "But if a right eous man turns from his right eous ness and com -
                mits sin and does the same de test a ble things the wick ed man
                does, will he live? None of the right eous things he has done will
                be re mem bered. Because of the un faith ful ness he is guilty and
                be cause of the sins he has com mit ted, he will die. (Ezekiel, 18:24)

                "Lord, You are right eous... in all the coun tries where You have
                scat tered us be cause of our un faith ful ness to You. (Daniel,

                ... There is no faith ful ness, no love, no ac knowl edg ment of
                God in the land. There is on ly curs ing, ly ing and mur der,
                steal ing and adul tery; they break all bounds, and blood shed
                fol lows blood shed. (Hosea, 4:1-2)

                See, he is puffed up; his de sires are not up right—but the
                right eous will live by his faith. (Habakkuk, 2:4)

                He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the
                Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to
                walk humbly with your God. (Micah, 6:8)

                               Avoiding Despotism

                Wick ed man suf fers tor ment, the ruth less through all the
                years stored up for him. (Job, 15:20)

                But God drags away the mighty by His pow er; though they
                be come es tab lished, they have no as sur ance of life. (Job,

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