Page 185 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 185

Ha run Yah ya (Ad nan Ok tar)

                ... For he thought, "will there not be peace and se cu ri ty in my
                life time?" (2 Kings, 20:19)

                ... And the king dom was at peace before Him. (2 Chronicles,

                And the king dom... was at peace, for his God had giv en him
                rest on ev ery side. (2 Chronicles, 20:30)

                Consider the blame less, ob serve the up right; there is a fu ture
                for the man of peace. (Psalms, 37:37)

                I am a man of peace; but when I speak, they are for war.
                (Psalms, 120:7)

                All the lands are at rest and at peace; they break in to sing -
                ing. (Isaiah, 14:7)

                                          Instead of bronze I will bring you
                                          gold, and sil ver in place of iron. In-
                                          stead of wood I will bring you

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