Page 186 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 186


                     bronze, and iron in place of stones. I will make peace your
                     gov ern or and right eous ness your rul er. (Isaiah, 60:17)

                     ... And the bat tle bow will be bro ken. He [your King] will
                     pro claim peace to the na tions... (Zechariah, 9:10)

                     "These men are friend ly to ward us," they said. "Let them live
                     in our land and trade in it; the land has plen ty of room for
                     them... " (Genesis, 34:21)

                     Then David and Jonathan made a cov e nant, be cause he loved
                     him as him self. (1 Samuel, 18:3)

                     ... and has no slan der on his tongue, who does his neigh bor
                     no wrong and casts no slur on his fel low man. (Psalms, 15:3)

                     I am a friend to all who fear You, to all who fol low Your pre -
                     cepts. (Psalms, 119:63)

                     A friend loves at all times, and a broth er is born for ad ver si -
                     ty. (Proverbs, 17:17)

                     ... But fear your God, so that your broth er may con tin ue to
                     live among you. (Leviticus, 25:36)

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