Page 191 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 191
Ha run Yah ya (Ad nan Ok tar)
For wis dom is more pre cious than ru bies, and noth ing you
de sire can com pare with her. "I, wis dom, dwell to geth er with
pru dence; I pos sess knowl edge and dis cre tion." (Proverbs,
Get wis dom, get un der stand ing; do not for get my words or
swerve from them. Do not for sake wis dom, and she will pro -
tect you; love her, and she will watch over you... there fore get
wis dom. Though it cost all you have, get un der stand ing. Es-
teem her, and she will ex alt you; em brace her, and she will
hon or you. (Proverbs, 4:5-8)
My son, if you ac cept my words and store up my com mands
with in you, turn ing your ear to wis dom and ap ply ing your
heart to un der stand ing, and if you call out for in sight and
cry aloud for un der stand ing. And if you look for it as for sil -
ver and search for it as for hid den treas ure, then you will un -
der stand the fear of the Lord and find the knowl edge of
God. (Proverbs, 2:1-5)
For the Lord gives wis dom, and from His mouth come
knowl edge and un der stand ing. (Proverbs, 2:6)
For wis dom will en ter your heart, and knowl edge will be
pleas ant to your soul. Discretion will pro tect you, and un der -
stand ing will guard you. Wisdom will save you from the ways
of wick ed men, from men whose words are per verse, who
leave the straight paths to walk in dark ways. (Proverbs, 2:10-
When pride comes, then comes dis grace, but with hu mil i ty
comes wis dom. (Proverbs, 11:2)