Page 195 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 195

Ha run Yah ya (Ad nan Ok tar)

                with in tel li gence and dis cern ment"... "I am send ing you... a
                man of great skill." (2 Chronicles, 2:12-13)

                "To God be long wis dom and pow er; coun sel and un der -
                stand ing are His. (Job, 12:13)

                "Hear my words, you wise men; lis ten to me, you men of
                learn ing. For the ear tests words as the tongue tast es food. Let
                us dis cern for our selves what is right; let us learn to geth er
                what is good." (Job, 34:2-4)

                Therefore, you kings, be wise; be warned, you rul ers of the
                earth. Serve the Lord with fear and re joice with trem bling.
                (Psalms, 2:10-11)

                The fool says in his heart, "there is no God" [God is beyond
                this]. They are cor rupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who
                does good... there are any who un der stand, any who seek God.
                All have turned aside, they have to geth er be come cor rupt;
                there is no one who does good not even one. (Psalms, 14:1-3)

                I was sense less and ig no rant; I was a brute beast be fore You.
                Yet I am al ways with You... You guide me with Your coun sel,
                and aft er ward You will take me in to glo ry. (Psalms, 73:22-24)

                How great are Your works, O Lord, how pro found Your
                thoughts! The sense less man does not know, fools do not un -
                der stand. (Psalms, 92:5-6)

                Take heed, you sense less ones among the peo ple; you fools,
                when will you be come wise? Does He Who im plant ed the
                ear not hear? Does He Who formed the eye not see? (Psalms,

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