Page 187 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 187

Ha run Yah ya (Ad nan Ok tar)

                "If one of your broth er be comes poor among you and sells him -
                self to you, do not make him work as a slave." (Leviticus, 25:39)

                And I charged your judg es at that time: Hear the dis putes be -
                tween your broth ers and judge fair ly... (Deuteronomy, 1:16)

                This is how it is to be done: Every cred it or shall can cel the loan
                he has made to his be liev er broth er He shall not re quire pay -
                ment from be liev er broth er... (Deuteronomy, 15:2)

                There will al ways be poor peo ple in the land. Therefore I com -
                mand you to be open hand ed to ward your broth ers and to -
                ward the poor and needy in your land. (Deuteronomy, 15:11)

                Do not ab hor... for he is your broth er. (Deuteronomy, 23:7)

                Her ways are pleas ant ways, and all her paths are peace.
                (Proverbs, 3:17)

                The fruit of right eous ness will be peace; the ef fect of right -
                eous ness will be qui et ness and con fi dence... will live in
                peace ful dwell ing pla ces, in se cure homes, in un dis turbed
                              pla ces of rest. (Isaiah, 32:17-18)

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