Page 174 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 174
Truthfulness and Honesty
Follow jus tice and jus tice alone, so that you may live and
pos sess the land the Lord your God is giv ing you. (Deuteron-
omy, 16:20)
He holds vic to ry in store for the up right, He is a shield to
those whose walk is blame less. (Proverbs, 2:7)
For sure ly, O Lord, You bless the right eous; You sur round
them with Your fa vor as with a shield. (Psalms, 5:12)
The man of in teg ri ty walks se cure ly, but he who takes crook -
ed paths will be found out. (Proverbs, 10:9)
Folly de lights a man who lacks judg ment, but a man of un der -
stand ing keeps a straight course. (Proverbs, 15:21)
The high way of the up right avoids evil; he who guards his
way guards his life. (Proverbs, 16:17)
The way of the Lord is a ref uge for the right eous, but it is the
ru in of those who do evil. The right eous will nev er be up -
root ed, but the wick ed will not re main in the land. (Proverbs,
The in teg ri ty of the up right guides them, but the un faith ful
are de stroyed by their du plic i ty. Wealth is worth less in the day
of wrath, but right eous ness de liv ers from death. (Proverbs,
The right eous ness of the blame less makes a straight way for
them, but the wick ed are brought down by their own wick ed -
ness. (Proverbs, 11:5)