Page 162 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 162


                     Abraham what He has prom ised him. (Genesis, 18:19)

                     He whose walk is blame less and who does what is right eous,
                     who speaks the truth from his heart and has no slan der on
                     his tongue, who does his neigh bor no wrong and casts no slur
                     on his fel low man. (Psalms, 15:2-3)

                     The Lord loves right eous ness and jus tice; the earth is full of
                     His un fail ing love. (Psalms, 33:5)

                     The mouth of the right eous man ut ters wis dom, and his
                     tongue speaks what is just. The law of his God is in his heart;
                     his feet do not slip. (Psalms, 37:30-31)

                     He [the king] will judge your peo ple with right eous ness, and
                     your poor with jus tice. The moun tains shall bring peace to the
                     peo ple, and the hills, in right eous ness. He will judge the poor

                     of the peo ple, He will save the chil dren of the needy... (Psalms,

                     Blessed are they who main tain jus tice, who con stant ly do
                     what is right. (Psalms, 106:3)

                     Good will come to him who is gen er ous and lends free ly, who
                     con ducts his af fairs with jus tice. Surely he will nev er be
                     shak en; a right eous man will be re mem bered for ev er.
                     (Psalms, 112:5-6)

                     He guards the course of the just and pro tects the way of His
                     faith ful ones. Then you will un der stand what is right and just
                     and fair—ev ery good path. (Proverbs, 2:8-9)

                     Evil men do not un der stand jus tice, but those who seek the
                     Lord un der stand it ful ly. (Proverbs, 28:5)

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