Page 159 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 159

Ha run Yah ya (Ad nan Ok tar)

                sat is fy the needs of the op pressed, then your light will rise in
                the dark ness, and your night will be come like the noon day.
                The Lord will guide you al ways; He will sat is fy your needs in
                a sun-scorched land and will strength en your frame. You will
                be like a well-wa tered gar den, like a spring whose wa ters nev -
                er fail. (Isaiah, 58:10-11)

                Do not de prive the al ien or the fa ther less of jus tice, or take
                the cloak of the wid ow as a pledge... When you are har vest -
                ing in your field and you over look a sheaf, do not go back to
                get it. Leave it for the al ien, the fa ther less and the wid ow, so
                that the Lord your God may bless you in all the work of your
                hands. When you beat the ol iv es from your trees, do not go
                over the branch es a sec ond time. Leave what re mains for the
                al ien, the fa ther less and the wid ow. When you har vest the
                grapes in your vine yard, do not go over the vines again.
                Leave what re mains for the al ien, the fa ther less and the wid -
                ow. (Deuteronomy, 24:17-21)

                ... You shall give it to... the al ien, the fa ther less and the wid -
                ow, so that they may eat in your towns and be sat is fied. Then
                say to the Lord your God: "I have giv en it to... the al ien, the fa -
                ther less and the wid ow, ac cord ing to all You com mand ed. I
                have not turned aside from Your com mands nor have I for got -
                ten any of them. (Deuteronomy, 26:12-13)

                Learn to do right! Seek jus tice, en cour age the op pressed. De-
                fend the cause of the fa ther less, plead the case of the wid ow.
                (Isaiah, 1:17)

                Cursed is the man who leads the blind astray on the road...
                Cursed is the man who with holds jus tice from the al ien, the
                fa ther less or the wid ow. Then all the peo ple shall say,
                "Amen." (Deuteronomy, 27:18-19)

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