Page 157 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 157

Ha run Yah ya (Ad nan Ok tar)

                           Compassion and Affection

                He who de spis es his neigh bor sins, but bless ed is he who is
                kind to the needy. (Proverbs, 14:21)

                He who op press es the poor shows con tempt for their Maker, but
                who ev er is kind to the needy hon ors God. (Proverbs, 14:31)

                If your en e my is hun gry, give him food to eat; if he is thirsty,
                give him wa ter to drink. In do ing this, you will heap burn ing
                coals on his head, and the Lord will re ward you. (Proverbs,

                If there is a poor man among your broth ers in any of the
                towns of the land that the Lord your God is giv ing you, do not
                be hard heart ed or tight fist ed to ward your poor broth er.

                (Deuteronomy, 15:7)

                Defend the cause of the weak and fa ther less; main tain the
                rights of the poor and op pressed. Rescue the weak and needy;
                de liv er them from the hand of the wick ed. (Psalms, 82:3-4)

                This is what the Lord Almighty says: "Administer true jus tice;
                show mer cy and com pas sion to one an oth er. Do not op press
                the wid ow or the fa ther less, the al ien or the poor. In your
                hearts do not think evil of each oth er." (Zechariah, 7:9-10)

                [A vir tu ous wife] opens her arms to the poor and ex -
                tends her hands to the needy. (Proverbs, 31:20)

                If I have de nied the de sires of the poor or let the
                eyes of the wid ow grow wea ry, if I have kept
                my bread to my self, not shar ing it with the fa -
                ther less—but from my youth I reared

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