Page 151 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 151

Ha run Yah ya (Ad nan Ok tar)

                no lim its. They scoff, and speak with mal ice; in their
                ar ro gance they threat en op pres sion. Their mouths

                lay claim to Heav en, and their tongues take pos ses -
                sion of the earth. (Psalms, 73:4-9)

                The Lord tears down the proud man's house... He
                who lis tens to a life-giv ing re buke will be at home
                among the wise. (Proverbs, 15:25, 31)

                Haughty eyes and a proud heart, the lamp of the
                wick ed, are sin! (Proverbs, 21:4)

                The end of a mat ter is bet ter than its be gin ning, and
                pa tience is bet ter than pride. (Ecclesiastes, 7:8)

                The Lord Almighty has a day in store for all the proud
                and lofty, for all that is ex alt ed (and they will be
                hum bled), the Lord alone will be ex alt ed in that day.
                (Isaiah, 2:12-13)

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