Page 149 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 149
Ha run Yah ya (Ad nan Ok tar)
If... [they] hum ble them selves and pray and seek My face
and turn from their wick ed ways, then... I will for give their sin
and will heal their land. (2 Chronicles, 7:14)
When the Lord saw that they hum bled them selves, this
word of the Lord came... : "Since they have hum bled them -
selves, I will not de stroy them... " (2 Chronicles, 12:7)
But... (he) was proud and he did not re spond to the kind ness
shown him... Then (he) re pent ed of the pride of his heart...
there fore the Lord's wrath did not come up on them. (2 Chron-
icles, 32:25-26)
... He hum bled him self great ly be fore God... (2 Chronicles,
I pro claimed a fast, so that we might hum ble our selves be -
fore our God and ask Him for a safe jour ney for us and our
chil dren, with all our pos ses sions. (Ezra, 8:21)
Yet when they were ill, I put on sack cloth and hum bled my -
self with fast ing. (Psalms, 35:13-14)
... A con trite heart, O God, you will not de spise. (Psalms,
Pride goes be fore de struc tion, a haugh ty spir it be fore a fall.
Better to be low ly in spir it and among the op pressed than to
share plun der with the proud. Whoever gives heed to in struc -
tion pros pers, and bless ed is he who trusts in the Lord.
(Proverbs, 16:18-20)
Before his down fall a man's heart is proud, but hu mil i ty
comes be fore hon or. (Proverbs, 18:12)