Page 141 - Wisdom and Sound Advice from the Torah
P. 141

Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)

                "Lord, You are right eous, but this day we are cov ered with
                shame... in all the coun tries where You have scat tered us be -

                cause of our un faith ful ness to You. O Lord, we and our kings,
                our prin ces and our fa thers are cov ered with shame be cause
                we have sinned against You. The Lord our God is mer ci ful
                and for giv ing, even though we have re belled against Him; we
                have not obeyed the Lord our God or kept the laws He gave
                us through His ser vants the Prophets... Therefore the curs es
                and sworn judg ments writ ten in the Law of Moses, the ser -
                vant of God, have been poured out on us, be cause we have
                sinned against You. You have ful filled the words spo ken
                against us and against our rul ers by bring ing up on us great
                dis as ter... Just as it is writ ten in the Law of Moses, all this dis -
                as ter has come up on us, yet we have not sought the fa vor of
                the Lord our God by turn ing from our sins and giv ing at ten -
                tion to Your truth. Now, our God, hear the prayers and pe ti -
                tions of Your ser vant... We do not make re quests of You be -
                cause we are right eous, but be cause of Your great mer cy. O
                Lord, for give!... For Your sake, O my God, do not de lay...
                (Daniel, 9:3-19)

                ... The Prophet Elijah stepped for ward and prayed: "... I am
                Your ser vant and have done all these things at Your com -
                mand. Answer me, O Lord, an swer me... and that You are
                turn ing their hearts back again." (1 Kings, 18:36-37)

                ... I mourned and fast ed and prayed be fore the God of heav en.

                "O Lord, God of heav en, the great and awe some God... hear
                the prayer Your ser vant is pray ing be fore You day and night...
                Give your ser vant suc cess to day." (Nehemiah, 1:4-7, 11)

                Hezekiah re ceived the let ter... and spread it prayed "O Lord

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