Page 66 - NWF November Updates
P. 66

All employees must schedule leave with their supervisor in advance of the absence, using the
         appropriate Leave Request Procedure established by their Supervisor or Department.

         Employees’ leave usage will be recorded by the employee’s time and attendance entry via the
         electronic timekeeping system.  The employee is responsible for the accuracy of leave hours
         applied prior to the close of the specific payroll period.

         NWF carefully processes leave requests to ensure that they are accurate and up-to-date.
         Please bring any inaccuracies to the attention of the Human Resources Departmentwithin 90
         calendar day of the payday in which you suspect an error has occurred. Please submit, in
         writing, dates and type of leave to be researched to the Human Resources Department.  NWF
         will not be responsible for adjustments to leave records after 90 calendar days of the affected

         It is the supervisor's responsibility to monitor Vacation Leave usage of their staff to ensure
         proper compliance with the Vacation Leave Policy.  Supervisors should use their discretion in
         approving Vacation Leave requests.

         Exceptions to this policy may be authorized by the AVP of Human Resources. NWF reserves
         the right to modify, amend, or terminate this and/or any NWF policy at any time.

         Sick Leave

         ELIGIBILITY:  Regular Benefit Eligible Employees with a sick leave balance as of 12/31/2019
         are eligible to use any remaining sick leave balance.

         ACCRUAL:  Sick Leave accruals are frozen as of December 31, 2019.  Any remaining sick leave
         balances as of 12/31/2019 will remain and can be used for qualifying absences as
         documented in the “Usage” section of this policy until the remaining balance is exhausted.

         USAGE:  Sick Leave may be used for absences which result from a medical condition,
         domestic violence, or sexual abuse involving the employee, the employee's spouse, the

         employee's domestic partner, the employee's dependent children,oor the employee’s parent.
         It is also permissible to charge Sick Leave for time taken in conjunction with doctor's
         appointments for these same individuals, which cannot be scheduled outside of working
         hours.  Employees may use Sick Leave in 1/4 hour increments or partial days (less than 8

         COORDINATION WITH OTHER BENEFITS:  Leave taken under this program will be
         coordinated with the Family and Medical Leave Policy (FML).

         EMPLOYEE RESPONSIBILITIES:  In order to be eligible to receive benefits under the Sick Leave
         Policy, the employee must report their need for a medical/sick/personal safety absence to
         their Supervisor, their Supervisor's designate, or, in the event these individuals are not
         available, the Human Resources Department.
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