Page 75 - NWF November Updates
P. 75

Employees will be responsible for identifying the specific volunteer project that they would like
        to participate in.  NWF respects the diversity of its staff and understands that each employee's
        community efforts differ too.  Through personal and professional interests, it is NWF's hope
        that staff can identify individual service opportunities that increase personal satisfaction.
        Listed below is a sample of possible community projects. (Employees may also use the NWF

        Volunteer Website or the volunteer opportunities locator at, and to match needs and interests.)

            • Contribution of time at a local charity, non-profit, school or faith-based organization

               (this includes "preparation" time needed to support a volunteer activity on a day
               leading up to the actual event);
            • Participation in an event to recognize a specific service day (i.e. Martin Luther King Day,
               President's Day, Columbus Day, Veteran's Day, etc.);
            • NWF Service Days - Working on habitat projects in local communities, schools, assisting
               with staffing booth, etc.

            • NWF Sponsored Volunteer Training - Habitat Stewards and Schoolyard Trainer.

         Activities that are designed to have an effect on an election or engage employees in partisan
         politics are not permissible volunteer activities under the employee community service policy.
         As a charitable organization recognized as exempt from federal taxation under Section

         501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, NWF - and employees working or volunteering on
         NWF's behalf - are prohibited from engaging in any partisan political activity or electoral

         Employees should request approval from their supervisor at least two weeks prior to the
         community service project date of their interest.  Information which should be conveyed in
         this approval process includes a description of the service project and date/time needed to be

         away from the office.  Supervisors should review the request to be sure that the volunteer
         activity supports the categories of examples provided above in this policy and consult with
         Human Resources if there are any questions.  Based on the current project load of the
         department and ability to meet immediate deadlines, supervisors should approve requests as
         appropriate.  The timesheet submitted should then be noted for the appropriate number of
         hours the employee participated in an activity as administrative leave with pay.

        Supervisors may approve the timesheet approving up to 8 hours of administrative leave with
        pay annually for the community service project. Employees may identify a weekday to apply
        administrative leave with pay to offset time contributed for volunteer service on a weekend or
        holiday. (This weekday should be during the pay period that the actual weekend service falls.)
        If a service project extends beyond eight hours, the employee must use vacation, floating
        holiday, or personal leave to cover the absence and at the discretion of their supervisor.
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