Page 23 - Online Basic Education Student Manual
P. 23


               ●  Desktop, laptop or tablet with built-in camera and wired to an internet connection
               ●  Strong internet connection that can support video conferencing.
               ●  Headset/ earphones with microphone.
               ●  For the Elementary Department, printed copies of Activity sheets per subject shall
                   be  issued  every  Friday  on  a  weekly  basis.  Parents  may  request  soft  copies  of
                   Activity sheets to be sent to assigned G Suite accounts per pupil.


               ●  Learning materials like pens, notebooks and reference books.
               ●  Soft  Copy  of  Modular  Learning  Kits  provided  by  school  to  be  released  every
                   Friday on a weekly basis.
               ●  For the Elementary department, printed copies of Activity sheets per subject shall
                   be issued every Friday on a weekly basis. Parents may request soft copies sent to
                   the assigned G Suite accounts per pupil.


            Students and Pupils, who are enrolled starting School Year-2021, are classified as Online
            Learning Student or Modular Learning Student.  All the guidelines in this student manual
            are designed for both types of students. APCAS admission office, upon enrollment,

            classifies all students under Online Learning Modality unless declared by the student and
            parent of pupils that Modular Learning is the preferred modality.

            However, a student/pupil can shift from Online Learning to Modular Learning or vice
            versa by adhering to the guidelines as follows;
               ●  Shifting from Online to Modular or vice versa is ONLY ALLOWED on a per
                   quarter basis. It means that students can shift to a different learning modality after

                   completing one quarter of the school year.
               ●  Shifting from Online to Modular Learning is only allowed if the situation at home

                   with regards to strength of internet connection and the availability of desktop or
                   laptop is not possible.
               ●  Shifting from Modular to Online Learning is only allowed if the following

            ONLINE BASIC EDUCATION STUDENT MANUAL                                                 23
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