Page 25 - Online Basic Education Student Manual
P. 25

                                                  ONLINE CLASSES

            In Basic Education, parents/guardians engagement in online learning set-up is very much
            important.  The  partnership  between  the  parents  and  school  plays  a  vital  role  for
            delivering  the  right  online  education.    Moving  from  regular  physical  classes  to  a
            completely  virtual  learning  environment  will  establish  routines  at  home.  This  section
            introduces the concept of a Home Guide in Online Learning. A Home Guide is a person
            who can be a parent, guardian, sibling or a tutor whose role is to facilitate the transition
            of face to face classes to Online or Modular Learning Modality of the student/pupil at
            home. Home Guides are highly recommended for Pre-School up to Grade 3 levels in the
            elementary department.

            To support everyone through this transition, below are the recommended guidelines for
            home guides in navigating online learning education:

               ●  Help your child create and stick to a time routine. Set a sleeping or waking up
                      clock schedule.
               ●  Assign a learning space at home for your child that is cozy, quiet, well-lighted and
               ●  Reach  out  to  your  child’s  teacher  for  any  concerns  and  requests,  and  to  know
                   which tasks your child should focus on.
               ●  Always remind your child about the proper netiquettes during the online classes.

               ●  Take  on  the  role  of  “encourager”.  It  is  best  to  supervise  your  child  during  the
                   online  class,  especially  if  your  child  is  very  young  (Nursery  -  Grade  2),  to
                   accomplish their activities/assessment and maintain their focus.

            ONLINE BASIC EDUCATION STUDENT MANUAL                                                 25
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