Page 28 - Online Basic Education Student Manual
P. 28

●  The ‘Present Now’ button is intended for a presenter to share the screen with the
                   class.  Be  reminded  that  it  is  not  for  attendance  checking.  Non-presenters  shall
                   refrain from clicking this feature, for it may cause class interruption.
               ●  Teachers will ask or instruct you whether or not to screen share.
               ●  Use the Chat Box ONLY for asking questions, interacting during activities, and for
                   other concerns related to a class or discussion.
               ●  Foul words, unnecessary remarks, irrelevant responses, or messages are prohibited
                   on the chat box. Be reminded that messages or conversations are recorded as well.
               ●  Videos shall ALWAYS be ON. Turning video off is the same as not attending real-
                   time classes or being away from the handset.
               ●  Always be polite in speaking during Google Meet Real Time Live Classes.
               ●  On  leaving  classes  to  use  the  comfort  room,  students  shall  use  the  chat  box  to
                   notify the teacher.
               ●  In certain instances that you are disconnected to a class, just CLICK THE LINK
                   AGAIN to join or enter the class or meeting.
               ●  NO VAPE, CIGARETTES, or ALCOHOL during online classes.
               ●  Should a student be rude  or non-compliant  to instructions and/or activities after
                   s/he has been given warnings (3), the teacher has the authority to remove a student
                   during Real Time Live Classes. S/he  shall be  referred to the Student Discipline
                   Office for counseling. Then, the Student Assistance Coordinator shall notify the
                   parent or guardian concerned.


               ●  Circulating a copy (printed, picture, video, or screenshot) of any activity, quiz and
                   exam is strictly NOT ALLOWED.
               ●  Answer all activities, quizzes and exams in an honest manner.


               ●  ALL relevant to the subject and appropriate responses or comments shall ONLY
                   be posted on stream in a formal and well-constructed manner.
               ●  Avoid making unnecessary posts or comments.
               ●  Always give proper credit when referencing or quoting another source.
               ●  Make posts that are on topic and within the scope of the course material.

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