Page 26 - Online Basic Education Student Manual
P. 26

●  Assist your child in doing daily activities and train your child to be independent as
                   they can in their learning journey.
               ●  Activities that a home guide should not do during Real-Time Live Classes and in
                   Google Classroom
                       a.  Do not use ‘Present Now’ unless allowed by the teacher.
                       b.  Do not comment on topics not related to the present lesson on the chat box.
                       c.  Do not unmute the mic of the Google Meet unless allowed by the teacher.
                       d.  Do  not  use  the  stream  of  the  Google  Classroom  for  any  inquiries  and
                          concerns.  Send  a  letter  using  the  assigned  G-Suite  email  address  to  the
                       e.  Do  not  provide  answers  during  quizzes  and  major  examinations.  Let  the
                          child answer independently.

               ●  The Cyber Law and the Anti-Bullying Law also applies to home guides, parents
                   and guardians. The same procedures on filing of complaints for students and pupils
                   also apply to the Home Guides/parent/guardian.

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