Page 42 - fredo Eyong
P. 42

Chapter 05: Prototype
             Introduction & Methodology
    Steps in the Process  Information Architecture Functional Modules
    The initial step in this process involved a thorough review of the user
    journey, leading to the creation of a foundational sitemap that was
    adaptable to changes throughout the project’s progression. In
    alignment with my hypothesis, the goal was to design an
    app/platform that prioritised user-centricity and simplicity.
    Subsequently, I sketched a low-fidelity prototype on my iPad and
    Figma, which was later reworked based on user feedback. The
    development was divided into two distinct phases: low and high
    fidelity. We gathered user feedback, made iterative improvements,
    and ultimately, the final high-fidelity version was unveiled after
    several rounds of refinement.
    Low Fidelity Prototype Phase
  Research and Design Project
    The low-fidelity phase was segmented into two components: Branding
    and Mobile Application. Initially, a comprehensive list of potential
    brand names was compiled, from which we narrowed down to a
    shortlist of 15 names. I then conducted a review to determine which
    names best represented the brand. Subsequently, the focus shifted
    to collecting feedback on the most suitable colour palette
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